Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Care Jasmine Polyanthum

Jasmine Polyanthum is a climber of the family of the Oleaceas, of Chinese origin. Produces very fragrant, white flowers on the inside and pink on the outside and on the buds.

Flowering is in spring and lasts about a month and a half. But in warm places it will blossom from the beginning of the year until the middle of the summer.
Scientific name: Jasminum polyanthum
Common name: Chinese jasmine, Jasmine from China, winter Jasmine
Climber, with leaves either deciduous or Evergreen depending on the season.
Applications: decorating arbors, gates, walls and balconies.
It is good as climber for as violet, since developments long rooted in its entirety in light soil with enough mulch.
Plant in a place sheltered from the wind and where can enjoy their delicate perfume.
-Light: Sun, although it is best to avoid direct sunlight at noon in summer.
-Temperature: up to - 5 ° C.
-Light ground, with abundant humus and the addition of sand; It may be limestone.
-Regular irrigation.
-You have to guide it with tutor.
Pruning in winter of cleaning, consisting of deleted elements such as:
Dead, dry, broken or diseased branches.
The foot of shrub sprouts.
Branches cross, poorly targeted or they Ravel much.
In addition to cleaning winter pruning, they are pruned after flowering. Just finished flowering flowered branches are pruned very strong, leaving two or three buds each. There will be new outbreaks that wear the flowers the following year.
It is propagated by cuttings of semihard wood with leaves, taken at the end of the summer and to take root in the greenhouse.
Layers and tillers are also used.

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