Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Care of Cyclamen - Alpine violet

Cyclamen is a plant of the family of the primulaceas, with cordate leaves and beautiful flowers is very popular within the winter bloom and that due to this time of the year so many plants are not in flower. Varieties of this issue include a wide range of flower colors ranging from white to the Scarlet red, pink, purple and salmon tones.

Scientific name: Cyclamen persicum
Common or vulgar name: Persian violet, cyclamen, violets of the Alps.
Height: 30-40 cm.
Although it is considered annual plant, can last for several years if kept in the right conditions. That is because it remains in dormant state during the warm season and returns to sprout with the lowering of temperatures. Flowers tend to decrease in size as it increases the age of the plant.
-Light: avoid to give you direct rays of the Sun, placing the plant in areas of shadow or meda shadow. Grown indoors, you need a daily dose of intense light.
-Temperatures: indoors, place the plant in a cool room, oriented towards the North and near a window, although avoiding direct sunlight.
-Humidity: keep it permanently in a room fresh and moist, by placing it on a plate of wet sand.
-Plantation: the Plantation is mid- to late summer, which it may well flourish in autumn or spring.
-Cyclamen flowers better if it is in a narrow pot.
-Water is very important to water from below.
-Check the good drainage of the ground or pot and that Earth is light, to facilitate aeration.
-Subscriber: add every 15 or 20 days liquid fertilizer to irrigation water during the period of growth and flowering, taking care not to exceed the nitrogen to avoid an excessive leaf development. Potassium is determinant on the quality of the bloom.
-Aerate the soil.
-When the plant finished blooming, remove leaves by pulling them so that the stem to detach from the tuber.
-Change of pot: is recommended, after bloom change their land, putting them a mixture of peat and fertilised soil so that it is spongy.
-Transplant it is advisable to apply long-lasting fertilizer mixed with the substrate.
By seeds, but the operation requires a good practice.
For propagation well-developed "potatoes", divide is greater than 5 cm.
Commercial propagation is carried out exclusively by seeds, from mainly specialized houses.

-TRIPS: Leaves take a reddish color and have bad appearance because of bites and the numerous black dots, which are the droppings of these insects. They fight with insecticide.
-MITES: The mite Steneotarsonemus palidus produce deformation of young leaves and buttons of flower, causing them to commit the bloom with its stings. Use acaricides.
-WEEVIL: The Otiorrhynchus rugosostriatus is an escarabajito that bites the leaves around the edges. Adults are dark brown or black and measure 7 long milimitros. Their larvae live in Earth gnawing on roots, as well as the root bulb.

Feng Shui garden

The doctrine of feng shui is based on the existence of a vital breath or chi whose flow is modified by the form and arrangement of the space. So many people decorate their homes, offices and gardens following the guidelines of this ancient oriental method with the intention of attracting positive energies.

According to the feng shui garden composition must follow three principles:
-shumi deyi: the balance between open and closed.
-quzhe jinzhi: the balance between the straight and the curved line.
-youjing yanqian: the views.
For this, three techniques are applied:
-zhushan: create hills, trails.
We can add trails to walk between plants and the best is one that has gentle curves. A too straight path would make chi flow faster without benefits.
-lishui: create water.
Water is a symbol of creative energy and improve both economic, family welfare, etc. That is why it is convenient to add sources of water or a pond with aquatic plants grow.
-zhwu peizhi: put things in their proper position.
We must achieve a provision of plants, fountains, sculptures, etc. so looking garden from different angles, the landscape looks completely different. Evergreen trees have protective power and can be placed in the rear of the garden. The gardens in which the plants are too grown represent an uncontrolled Yang force. On the contrary, a sparse vegetation suggests excess of Energiayin.
The vegetation must be healthy to convey a sense of balance and prosperity. On the other hand a careless vegetation connects us with negative aspects.

Here some guidelines when choosing plants:
-The perennial conifers have the form associated with the element fire and bring yang energy during the winter.
-Jasmine is considered the plant of friendship.
-Chrysanthemum bring happiness and joy to our homes.
-Plants with spikes can attract negative energy
-The crasula or money arboll are good example of plants round leaves that are considered to be those that capture the positive energy and attract good fortune.

Care Jasmine Polyanthum

Jasmine Polyanthum is a climber of the family of the Oleaceas, of Chinese origin. Produces very fragrant, white flowers on the inside and pink on the outside and on the buds.

Flowering is in spring and lasts about a month and a half. But in warm places it will blossom from the beginning of the year until the middle of the summer.
Scientific name: Jasminum polyanthum
Common name: Chinese jasmine, Jasmine from China, winter Jasmine
Climber, with leaves either deciduous or Evergreen depending on the season.
Applications: decorating arbors, gates, walls and balconies.
It is good as climber for as violet, since developments long rooted in its entirety in light soil with enough mulch.
Plant in a place sheltered from the wind and where can enjoy their delicate perfume.
-Light: Sun, although it is best to avoid direct sunlight at noon in summer.
-Temperature: up to - 5 ° C.
-Light ground, with abundant humus and the addition of sand; It may be limestone.
-Regular irrigation.
-You have to guide it with tutor.
Pruning in winter of cleaning, consisting of deleted elements such as:
Dead, dry, broken or diseased branches.
The foot of shrub sprouts.
Branches cross, poorly targeted or they Ravel much.
In addition to cleaning winter pruning, they are pruned after flowering. Just finished flowering flowered branches are pruned very strong, leaving two or three buds each. There will be new outbreaks that wear the flowers the following year.
It is propagated by cuttings of semihard wood with leaves, taken at the end of the summer and to take root in the greenhouse.
Layers and tillers are also used.

Care African Daisy, Gerbera

Common name: African Daisy, Gerbera.

Origin: South Africa

The Gerberas are ornamental plants belonging to the family of the sunflower.
Its beautiful flowers have long stems and bright colors, it is used as a cut flower.
It is cultivated in warm climate with an average temperature of 25 degrees.
It usually blooms from spring to summer, but with the right climate can flower all year round.

Light: it is preferable that it is in full sun so that flourish properly

Irrigation: must be below, through a plate, to avoid disturbing the flower buds that are glued to the floor.

Temperature: it is sensitive to the cold.

Multiplication of the Gerbera:

-For seeds

-by division of mata, leaving root and leaves, and returning them to planting with enough place to develop a new plant.


Pests: aphids, spider mites, mealybugs.
-Of a flower: these daisies has a row of petals of non-overlapping with a Green Center
-Double or Duplex - these daisies has a double row for overlapping petals with a green or black Center.
-Double Crested - these double contain two rows for overlapping petals with one or more rows of shorter petals with a green or black Center.
-Double Crested full - These have multiple rows to superimpose solids of petals with a domestic row that decreases in size, covering the Center entirely.
